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Institutional Research & Effectiveness Data Request
Prior to requesting historical enrollment or success data, please review:
Click on the links above, or view data on the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness's main page under “NC Profile”. All requests for information should be directed to the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (IRE).
Prior to approval of data requests, IRE will determine the validity of all data requests in relation to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and other college policies.
When appropriate, the Leadership Team will be informed of the request prior to approval by IRE/IT.
While we make every attempt to fulfill requests as quickly as possible, please allow a minimum of 10 working days for completion of requests. Completion time for data requests varies based on nature of the data request, how critical the request is to the success of the College’s mission, access to data requested, and other factors.
For requests involving data not handled by IR, the requestor will be directed to the appropriate department.
When to Make a Request
NC Employee Data Requests
If review of the information available through Quick Facts, Fact Book, and Student Achievement, and other NC Profile links does not provide needed information, please initiate a request with Institutional Research & Effectiveness.
Employee requests to conduct a survey relevant to institutional decision-making must be approved and overseen by the Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness (IRE) in order to ensure validity and reliability in data collected.
Employee requests to participate in external studies and/or data sharing.
A Data-Share Agreement must be put into place by the IRE office prior to any Navarro College Employee Sharing Student Data with any external organization or individual.
Complete an IRE Data Request Form
Human Subject Research Requests
All internal/external parties wishing to conduct human-subject research involving
Navarro College, its students or personnel, at or on behalf of the College, must submit
an email request to the IRB Liaison for permission to conduct the study, provide all
required documents as requested, and obtain IRB committee approval prior to conducting
any studies. This process takes 4-6 weeks from initial contact request, to committee
review, and awarding decision.
Send initial request to IRB Liaison, Susan Womack and include the following information:
University IRB approved documentation
IRB and
Any surveys and/or outreach communication part of the research to be conducted.
Email Institutional Research & Effectiveness Office
External Data Requests
All external requests for data must follow Navarro College's Open Records procedure as outlined in Section GA.2 of the Navarro College Board Policy Manual.
Board Policy Manual Section GA.2