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Guide for Parents and Family
Parents and families are an important part of the Navarro College community. Together, we are supporters of students’ success at NC and to the students who graduate and move on to 4-year universities and exciting jobs in their chosen career fields. While students are here, we want to make information and resources available to parents and families that will help answer questions, keep parents and students connected, and ensure success for all of our students.
Visit the Campus Tours page for complete information regarding in-person personal tours, group tours, and Bulldog Campus Preview days.
Student Recruitment Office
Email: Contact Student Recruiting
Phone: (903) 875-7343
We're glad your student is attending Navarro! You can watch the online new student orientation for an overview of NC's expectations, student resources, student life, student safety & well-being, disability & access services, residence life, and more.
Bulldog Orientation
Email: Contact Bulldog Orientation
Phone: (903) 875-7681 or (903) 875-7382
Our College & Career Success Coaches are here to serve and support NC students. We help students by serving as an advisor for academic, transfer, CTE (Career & Technical Education) and Health Professions majors. Students are assigned to a success coach based on their declared major and primary campus location.
How can I find my Success Coach?
Students can make appointments with their College and Career Success Coach (CCSC) by accessing their CCSC’s information in Self-Service using the following steps:
Self Service > Academics > My Progress > Show Progress Notes
or click the button below to locate their success coach.
The Financial Aid Office has a listing of open positions at all times. Apply early as most positions are filled within the first few weeks of each semester.
Getting Paid
Students are paid every month based on the dates specified for each pay period (due dates will be provided to student upon signed contract). Time records must be submitted on time to the Financial Aid Office (Corsicana). Paychecks are disbursed on the last working day of each month.
Required Forms
Before starting work, students will need to turn in the following forms to Financial Aid Office:
Copy of class schedule
Social Security card
Picture ID, Driver's License, etc.
Contract signed by student and the supervisor.
Email: Contact Office of Financial Aid
Phone: (903) 875-7363
Campus Safety Services
Campus Safety is on duty 24/7 to ensure a safe environment for students, faculty, and staff. We provide the following services:
Campus Patrols
Campus Safety Escorts
Vehicle jumpstarts
Vehicle unlocks
Speed & Parking Enforcements
Assistance with lost & found items
WatchDog Alert (Emergency Notificatication)
Automatically alerts by phone, email, text message, pager, and PDA of an emergency situation that could affect the campus.
Learn more about Alerts & Notices »
Parking Permits
Vehicles parked on campus need to display a parking permit. These are available in the Office of Admissions at any campus.
Vehicle registration and parking rules »
Dept of Campus Safety Phone: (903) 654-3999
Office Phone: (903) 875-7500
Email: CampusPolice@NavarroCollege.edu
We invite you to stay informed about campus life at NC - the daily schedule, special events, news, and other important information.
NavarroNews - news about the College.
Athletics - NavarroBulldogs.com
View the Calendar of Events for activities and important deadlines.
View the Final Exam Schedule
View the Student Handbook
View the Commencement page for graduation application deadines and commencement schedule.
Student Life resources
Social Media platform: Facebook
Social Media platform: Twitter
Social Media platform: Instagram
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