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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I audition for the concert bands at Navarro College (Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Band)?
The Navarro College Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band meets during spring terms and are comprised of the finest student musicians on campus. The Wind Ensemble rehearses MWF from 3:30 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. and the Symphonic Band rehearses T/TH from 3:30 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. Both the Wind Ensemble and the Symphonic Band are audition-based groups. Auditions are held during the week prior to the beginning of the Spring semester. Information and procedures for auditioning including the audition excerpts will appear in July on the Band website. Check at the beginning of July/August to download the audition materials.
What kind of time committment does it take to be a member of the Marching Band?
The SON (Sound of Navarro) Marching Band only rehearses three days per week, 3:30-5:30 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The band performs at all home games during the season. Game days involved a morning rehearsal. Color Guard and Drumline have rehearsals Tuesdays and Thursdays every week.
I am not a music major. Will I have time to participate with heavy academic major?
Yes, you will! You might be surprised to know that NC Band membership is comprised of the most academically rigorous programs at Navarro College. Statistics have shown members of The SON have a higher grade point average than the campus-wide average and achieve a higher grade point average during marching season (fall term) than they do in the spring term.
Do you receive credit for Marching Band?
Participation in SON (Sound of Navarro) provides one credit hour and is the equivalent to a Kinesiology Credit (physical education), or an elective credit at Navarro College. In many cases two semesters of marching band will satisfy all elective requirements.
When does BAND WEEK start and when can I move into College Housing?
Bank Week begins one week prior to the start of school. Due to the early starting schedule, members of the band are allowed to move into the dorms before the normal move-in times, prior to the start of Welcome Week. Move-in will occur in the morning of the first day of Band Week followed by the SON registration and a meet and greet that night.
Will I be able to work?
Yes, you will! Many students in this band program have part-time jobs. There is opportunities to become a work study student and work for the school.
When does Marching Band and Concert Band meet?
Marching band meets during the Fall semester; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Concert band meets during the Spring semester; Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Do we play at any other games besides football?
Yes, we do! During both the Fall and Spring semesters, we have what we call Pep-Band Games. During the Fall semester, we play at all of the home volleyball games. For the Spring semester, we play at all the basketball games. A schedule will be provided before each season begins.
How do I audition for audition for Marching Band and Concert Band?
All new students interested in joining the band or interested in receiving updates about the band should fill out the SON Band Interest Form. The link is also within the How to Join area. This form will be placed in our database and you will receive emails and text messages of when you can audition. You must sign up for an audition time that is stated, if you are not able to register for any of the audition days please do not hesitate to call or email Mr. Buckrucker to set up a private audition. Audition details for Ensembles, Drumline, Color Guard, Jazz Band and WGI Winds are located in the audition area under the How to Join section.
What does it cost to be in band?
Navarro College is a very affordable college. All Navarro College tuition and fees can be found HERE. In an addition, academic and band scholarships can be found in the Scholarship tab of the band website.